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本帖最后由 专属天使~~ 于 2014-3-5 12:06 编辑
事情起因:去年九月香港台风,ua取消了hkg-nrt得航班,让我得hkg-nrt-sea得行程不得不reroute成了hkg-nsfo-sea. 不仅错过了787还赶上了ua烂得不能再烂得747.本来觉得能给我安排当天到sea已经很不错了,毕竟天气原因。哪知这是噩梦得开始而已,后来又发生了飞机机械故障delay,miss了航班,被重新安排航班,结果机组no show,又重新安排航班等,搞的我身心疲惫,还比原计划晚点了10多个小时。于是发邮件去慰问客服。本来去年9月就给回复了,但是我愣是没收到邮件,于是昨天又慰问客服,拿到了处理结果,赔偿300美金代金券,也就是我机票价格一半,然后深表歉意。

Dear Mr. XXX:

Thank you for contacting United Airlines.

According to our records, we received an email from on you 9/24/13 regarding this same matter and responded to you by email on 9/25/13. Compensation was provided and emailed to you in a separate email on 9/25/13.  Your comments and concerns were responded to by United within 24 hours.  I am sorry if you did not receive our response. It did not come back to us as undeliverable and therefore conclude you received our resolution to your concerns.

Below is the email response sent to you 9/25/13.  Your compensation electronic travel certificate promo code is XXXXXX and your PIN code is YYYYYY.  

Dear Mr. XXX,

Thank you for contacting Customer Care.

I am sorry to hear of the frustrating and unpleasant travel experience you describe on your return trip September 23, 2013.

United recognizes how important it is to you to get to your destination on time, and we never want to disrupt your travel plans. Our goal is to achieve the highest level of on-time performance whenever possible with safety always being our number one concern. Unfortunately, our industry faces a number of daily challenges that affect our operation like equipment repairs, poor weather or air traffic control issues.

I also regret you were not notified your flight was canceled before you arrived to the airport. The decision to cancel a flight is often made at the last possible minute. In the event a flight is canceled in time for us to notify our passengers before their arrival to the airport, every effort is made to do so.

After reviewing our records, I see Flight 78 from HKG to NRT was cancelled due to extreme weather, and Flight 862 was delayed for the same reasons. We understand how frustrating it can be when travel plans are interrupted. Our staff offered the best options under the circumstances and offered you the option to fly to SFO instead and I regret if we left you with an unfavorable impression of our service.

I also regret, due to the weather problems causing the cancellations and delays, you missed your flight from SFO to SEA. I understand you were then rebooked on Flight 5593 which then delayed due to the crew being delayed into SFO.

Please understand, our flight crews are scheduled to optimize the time they are legally allowed to fly in accordance to Federal Aviation Regulations. Most crews are scheduled to fly more than one flight per day. In the event that a flight delay or cancellation prevents a crew from reaching their next scheduled flight, every effort is made to find a replacement crew for the flight. Unfortunately, if we are unable to find a replacement crew, the flight must be delayed to wait for the crew. Please rest assured our ground staff works diligently to ensure you reach your destination as close to scheduled arrival as possible.

I again apologize for the dissatisfaction you have expressed. As you have experienced, our flights and schedules are subject to change due to weather and air traffic problems. We usually do not compensate for situations beyond our control. However, as a gesture of goodwill you will receive a $300 electronic travel certificate within 3-5 business days via e-mail.

Mr. XXX, please know, it is never our intent to inconvenience our passengers, and I am very sorry if your expectations were not met. We appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts with us, and your giving us the opportunity to apologize for any inconvenience. We hope you will not judge us based solely on this experience.  We thank you for your valued business as a Premier 1K member of our MileagePlus program and look forward to serving you again under more pleasant circumstances.

Kind regards,

Nancy Cairncross

Corporate Customer Care

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22 个评论

FlyingFox  钻石会员  2014-3-5 04:01:16  | 显示全部楼层
東邪西毒    匿名飞客  发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00
Hill  蓝钻会员  2014-3-5 04:20:50  | 显示全部楼层
Xuesong_ZHAO 发表于 2014-3-5 04:11
We thank you for your valued business as a Premier 1K member of our MileagePlus program and look forward to serving you again under more pleasant circumstances.”
Hill  蓝钻会员  2014-3-5 04:21:43  | 显示全部楼层
Xuesong_ZHAO 发表于 2014-3-5 04:11
专属天使~~  蓝钻会员   楼主| 2014-3-5 04:21:57  | 显示全部楼层
FlyingFox 发表于 2014-03-05 04:01:16
专属天使~~  蓝钻会员   楼主| 2014-3-5 04:23:03  | 显示全部楼层
Xuesong_ZHAO 发表于 2014-03-05 04:11:45
专属天使~~  蓝钻会员   楼主| 2014-3-5 04:24:13  | 显示全部楼层
Hill 发表于 2014-03-05 04:21:43
Hellohello1226  黑钻会员  2014-3-5 04:45:05  | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Hellohello1226 于 2014-3-4 12:46 编辑
300usd 做为1k不多不少!
专属天使~~  蓝钻会员   楼主| 2014-3-5 05:01:32  | 显示全部楼层
Hellohello1226 发表于 2014-03-05 04:45:05
本帖最后由 Hellohello1226 于 2014-3-4 12:46 编辑
300usd 做为1k不多不少!
就这样了,不再找麻烦了,估计这台风delay他们也赔了不少。那天ua club里感觉有一堆大佬都在抱怨。这要是在美国,肯定又是集体打爆客服电话的节奏
专属天使~~  蓝钻会员   楼主| 2014-3-5 05:49:21  | 显示全部楼层
Xuesong_ZHAO 发表于 2014-03-05 05:30:29
专属天使~~  蓝钻会员   楼主| 2014-3-5 05:51:14  | 显示全部楼层
Xuesong_ZHAO 发表于 2014-03-05 05:31:52
专属天使~~  蓝钻会员   楼主| 2014-3-5 10:15:24  | 显示全部楼层
ching89 发表于 2014-03-05 09:37:21
hotpoint  白金会员  2014-3-5 10:30:08  | 显示全部楼层
专属天使~~ 发表于 2014-3-5 05:51
专属天使~~  蓝钻会员   楼主| 2014-3-5 11:16:02  | 显示全部楼层
hotpoint 发表于 2014-3-5 10:30
前一班如果也是天气原因不能抵达(无论起飞还是降落),貌似也都算天气原因,好像要追溯到2班以上均为天气 ...
专属天使~~  蓝钻会员   楼主| 2014-3-5 11:18:41  | 显示全部楼层
東邪西毒 发表于 2014-3-5 10:31
机组no show是什么情况




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