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鏀惰棌 FlyingBarack 鍙戣〃浜 2021-6-23 11:32
** 涓嶉檺娆★紝姣忔鍙厤璐规惡甯1浣嶅悓鑸彮鍢夊锛
锛2锛夊厤璐瑰皧浜 Priority Pass 鏈哄満璐靛鍘呯ぜ閬
锛3锛夊厤璐瑰皧浜編鍥借繍閫 The Centurion庐 Lounge 鍜 American Express Lounges 鏈哄満璐靛鍘呯ぜ閬
涓嶉檺娆★紝The Centurion庐 Lounge姣忔鍙厤璐规惡甯2浣嶅槈瀹撅紱American Express Lounges姣忔鍙厤璐规惡甯1浣嶅槈瀹撅紱
锛4锛夊厤璐瑰皧浜 Airspace 鏈哄満璐靛鍘呯ぜ閬
** 涓嶉檺娆★紝姣忔鍙厤璐规惡甯2浣嶅槈瀹撅紱
锛5锛夊厤璐瑰皧浜 Escape 鏈哄満璐靛鍘呯ぜ閬
** 涓嶉檺娆★紝姣忔鍙厤璐规惡甯2浣嶅槈瀹撅紱
锛6锛夊厤璐瑰皧浜揪缇庤埅绌 Delta Sky Club庐 鏈哄満璐靛鍘呯ぜ閬
** 鏈汉涓嶉檺娆★紝鎼轰即闇鏀粯29缇庨噾/姣忎汉锛汥elta Sky Club庐 璐靛鍘呯ぜ閬囦粎閫傜敤浜庤揪缇庤埅绌鸿繍钀ョ殑鑸彮锛涢渶鍑虹ず鎷涘晢閾惰杩愰氱櫨澶暱鐧介噾鍗″強褰撴棩杈剧編鑸┖鍏徃鏈虹エ鍗冲彲杩涘叆閬嶅竷鍏ㄧ編涓昏鍩庡競浠ュ強浣嶄簬鏃ユ湰銆佹櫤鍒┿佽彶寰嬪绛夊浗瀹剁殑鎸囧畾Delta Sky Club庐璐靛鍘咃紱
锛7锛夊厤璐瑰皧浜 Plaza Premium Lounges 鏈哄満璐靛鍘呯ぜ閬
** 涓嶉檺娆★紝姣忔鍙厤璐规惡甯1浣嶅悓鑸彮鍢夊锛
锛8锛夊厤璐瑰皧浜獿ufthansa姹夎帋鑸┖浣嶄簬鎱曞凹榛戞満鍦哄拰娉曞叞鍏嬬鏈哄満閮ㄥ垎Lufthansa Lounge璐靛鍘呯ぜ閬
** 鏈汉涓嶉檺娆★紝涓嶅彲鎼轰即锛
聽聽* * * 浠ヤ笂璐靛浼戞伅瀹よ闂姹備笌鏀跨瓥 路 Access Requirements & Guest Policies聽聽* * *
* 閮ㄥ垎鏉冪泭鐢辩編鍥借繍閫氭彁渚
* 涓婅堪绀奸亣閫傜敤浜庨檮灞炲崱鎸佸崱浜
* 鍏充簬绗(1)鏉$殑琛ュ厖锛
* 鍏充簬绗(2)鏉$殑琛ュ厖锛
1. 鐧惧か闀跨櫧閲戝崱涓诲崱鎸佸崱浜洪渶閫氳繃鐢宠涔︽垨鑷寸數鎷涘晢閾惰杩愰氱櫨澶暱鐧介噾鍗¤吹瀹炬湇鍔′笓绾垮厤璐圭敵璇稰riority Pass浼氬憳鍗
2. 鎸佸崱浜轰娇鐢ㄦ満鍦鸿吹瀹惧巺闇鍑虹ずPriority Pass浼氬憳鍗★紝Priority Pass浼氬憳鍗′娇鐢ㄩ渶鎸佸崱浜哄悕涓嬫寔鏈夋祦閫氱姸鎬佺殑鐧惧か闀跨櫧閲戝崱鎴栫櫨澶暱榛戦噾鍗★紙闈炴祦閫氱姸鎬佸寘鎷笖涓嶉檺浜庯細娉ㄩ攢銆佹寕澶便佸仠鍗$瓑锛
3. 鎼哄甫鍢夊锛岄渶鏀粯27缇庡厓/浜烘浣跨敤璐癸紝璐圭敤灏嗚鍏ョ櫧閲戝崱璐︽埛鍐
4. Priority Pass鏈哄満璐靛鍘呯ぜ閬囦粎闄愪簬鎷涘晢閾惰缇庡浗杩愰氱櫨澶暱鐧介噾鍗′富鍗℃墍閰嶅彂鐨凱riority Pass鍗★紱闄勫睘鍗′笉閫傜敤銆傦紙鎷涘晢閾惰缇庡浗杩愰氱櫨澶暱鐧介噾鍗¢檮灞炲崱涓嶉厤鍙慞P鍗★級
* 鍏充簬绗(3)鏉$殑琛ュ厖锛
The Centurion庐 Lounge
To enter, present your valid Platinum Card, a boarding pass showing a confirmed reservation for same-day travel and a government issued ID. You may enter with up to two (2) complimentary guests.
International American Express Lounges
To enter, show your valid Platinum Card, government issued I.D. and same day boarding pass. At minimum, one complimentary guest is allowed.
The Centurion庐 Lounge 浣嶇疆锛
Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT)
Located near the intersection of Concourses D & E, mezzanine level
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW)
Terminal D, across from Gate D12 on the mezzanine
Denver International Airport (DEN)
Concourse C, Mezzanine Level, near Gate C46
Hong Kong International Airport (HKG)
Terminal 1, Take the escalator just before Gate 60
IAH/Intercontinental Houston Airport (IAH)
Terminal D, access via elevators near Gate D6
Las Vegas McCarran International Airport (LAS)
Concourse D, opposite Gate D1
Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)
Tom Bradley International Terminal on Level 2 and accessible airside from Terminals 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8
Miami International Airport (MIA)
Concourse D, near Gate D12
New York鈥檚 John F Kennedy International Airport (JFK)
Level 4, just past TSA Security checkpoint to the left of the escalators
New York's LaGuardia Airport (LGA)
Terminal B, Post-security 4th floor
Philadelphia International Airport (PHL)
Terminal A-West Near Gate A-14
Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX)
Terminal 4 across from Gate B22 on the upper level
San Francisco International Airport (SFO)
Terminal 3, adjacent Gate F1/F2
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA)
Concourse B, opposite Gate B3
* 鍏充簬绗(4)鏉″拰绗(5)鏉$殑琛ュ厖锛
Airspace Lounges 涓昏闆嗕腑鍦ㄧ編鍥絊AN鍜孋LE杩欎袱澶ф満鍦猴紱
Escape Lounges 闆嗕腑鍦ㄧ編鍥藉拰鑻卞浗鐨勯儴鍒嗘満鍦猴紱
* 鍏充簬绗(6)鏉$殑琛ュ厖锛
1. 鐧惧か闀跨櫧閲戝崱鎸佸崱浜烘満绁ㄤ笂鐨勫鍚嶅繀椤讳笌鐧惧か闀跨櫧閲戝崱涓婂悕瀛楃浉绗︺
2. 鍦ㄧ編鍥藉鍐, 鑻ユ棤鐖舵瘝鎴栫洃鎶や汉闄即锛屾寔鍗′汉椤绘弧18 宀佹柟鍙娇鐢ㄤ紮浼磋埅绌哄叕鍙告満鍦鸿吹瀹惧巺, 椤绘弧21 宀佹柟鍙娇鐢ㄦ湁鑷姪閰掑惂鐨勪紮浼磋埅绌哄叕鍙告満鍦鸿吹瀹惧巺銆傜編鍥藉澶栧垯鎸夌収褰撳湴鐨勫勾榫勯檺鍒剁晫瀹氥
3. 鐧惧か闀跨櫧閲戝崱鎸佸崱浜哄繀椤诲悜鏈哄満璐靛鍘呭嚭绀哄叾鏈夋晥鐧惧か闀跨櫧閲戝崱銆佹湁鏁堣韩浠借瘉浠朵互鍙婂綋鏃ユ満绁ㄣ傛満鍦鸿吹瀹惧巺椤讳笌鎵胯繍鑸┖鍏徃鐩镐竴鑷达紙绗﹀悎椋炴満鑰岄潪鑸彮鍙凤級鏂瑰彲浣跨敤銆
4. 濡傞渶棰勭害浣跨敤璐靛鍘呬腑鐨勪細璁闇鍙﹁浠樿垂銆
5. 鎸佸崱浜哄繀椤婚伒瀹堟満鍦鸿吹瀹惧巺瀹堝垯銆
6. 鍙備笌娲诲姩鐨勮埅绌哄叕鍙稿拰鏈哄満鍦板潃濡傛湁鍙樻洿鎭曚笉鍙﹁閫氱煡銆
7. 濡傞渶鎼哄甫鍚岃浜哄憳涓鍚屼娇鐢ㄦ満鍦鸿吹瀹惧巺锛岀櫨澶暱鐧介噾鍗℃寔鍗′汉闇鍙﹁浠樿垂銆
8. 鍏充簬鏈鏂扮殑璐圭敤鍙婅吹瀹惧浣跨敤鏉冿紝鏁娴忚delta.com/skyclub
* 鍏充簬绗(8)鏉$殑琛ュ厖锛
Lufthansa Lounges
To enter, show your valid Platinum Card, government issued photo I.D., and confirmed seat on a same day Lufthansa Group boarding pass. Certain locations will allow guests for a fee. Lounge access is for Card Members departing from Munich and Frankfurt only.
Platinum Card Members have complimentary access to Lufthansa Business Lounges (regardless of ticket class) and Lufthansa Senator Lounges (when flying business class) in the Satellite area of T2 in Munich Airport from 6/1/18-5/31/19 and in T1 Concourse B in Frankfurt Airport from 6/1/18-3/31/19. To access the Lufthansa lounges, Platinum Card Member must present a government issued I.D., a same-day boarding pass showing confirmed reservation on a Lufthansa Group flight (Lufthansa, SWISS and Austrian airlines) and a valid Platinum Card. Lounge access is for Card Members departing from Munich and Frankfurt only. Card Members must adhere to all rules of participating lounges. Participating lounges and locations subject to change without notice. Additional guest access and fees subject to terms and conditions of participating lounges. In some Lounges the Platinum Card Member must be at least 18 years of age to enter without a parent or guardian. Must be of legal drinking age to consume alcoholic beverages. Please drink responsibly. For the most current Lufthansa rules and guest access and pricing policy, please visit聽聽http://www.lufthansa.com/us/en/Lounge-types-and-access.
* 璇锋敞鎰忛粦瀛楅儴鍒嗙殑鍐呭锛
Access to The Centurion Lounge is complimentary for global Platinum Card庐 and Centurion庐 Members. To access The Centurion Lounge, the Card Member must present The Centurion Lounge agent with the following upon each visit: his or her valid Card, a boarding pass showing a confirmed reservation for same-day travel on any carrier and a government-issued I.D- name on card must match government-issued I.D. All Platinum Cards庐 and Centurion Members, regardless of country of issue, are eligible to enter The Centurion Lounge.